The Role of South Carolina Law Firms That Specialize in Truck Accidents

Semi truck traveling down a highway

Truck accidents in South Carolina happen often enough that local law firm Bell Legal Group specializes in helping people injured by negligent semi drivers. Those involved in collisions with 18-wheelers rarely escape unscathed, and when these accidents are severe, the outcomes are life-changing and tragic.

You might be surprised when a trucker’s insurance company or employer denies an accident claim, but these businesses have a lot to lose, from insurance rate increases to expenses from cargo spoilage or damage, to say nothing of a blemished reputation. The driver could also be fired, lose their commercial driver’s license, or face criminal charges if the case warrants. Attorneys representing those injured by semi-truck accidents understand what’s at stake and they’re prepared to use the resources to combat trucking companies’ tactics.

If you’ve been injured in a trucking accident or are undergoing treatment after an accident, dealing with the details of a claim can feel impossible. Let Bell Legal Group in South Carolina help—our advocacy goes well beyond paperwork. We’ll handle all aspects of your case to relieve your burden and help move your claim forward.

Gathering Evidence of a Trucking Accident

When you’re injured and hospitalized or at home recuperating, the last thing you may think of—or be able to do—is gather evidence from the crash scene. When you can’t collect physical evidence or testimonials, an attorney can complete these tasks on your behalf. Bell Legal Group has the resources to travel to the South Carolina city where the truck accident occurred and take photos, document vehicle damage, and speak to witnesses about the crash.

Attorneys can also assist with serving spoliation letters to the trucking company. This legal notice obligates the company to preserve evidence, prohibiting anyone from destroying, altering, or concealing materials related to the crash. Your legal team may request to inspect the tractor trailers involved, download electronic data, and access log books, service records, and other important documents trucking companies are required to maintain under South Carolina law.

Reconstructing a Truck Accident

Accidents involving 18-wheelers often involve many vehicles and occur at highway speeds on roadways with multiple lanes. Variables make recreating accidents challenging, and determining fault even more so. Most people do not have the means to hire private investigators to reconstruct a crash scene, but we do! Bell Legal Group employs individuals to help us reconstruct truck accidents.

We use all available resources to analyze an accident, including crash investigators, former police officers, and reconstructionists. We’ll review the truck’s event data recorder, known as the ‘black box,’ to tie together the driver’s actions with the physical evidence and witness statements. Recreating the moments leading up to, during, and after a truck accident is essential for determining liability.

Identifying Damages

Estimating damages of a semi crash is best left to a skilled attorney who understands the repercussions of these accidents. There’s no exact formula to determine what damages someone is owed, because every person’s situation is different. Your lawyer must consider several factors, including:

  • Property damage
  • Past, current, and future medical expenses
  • Lost income and financial hardships
  • Pain and suffering

Underestimating these can leave you without the resources you need to move forward. But overstating your injuries can jeopardize your claim and delay recovery. An attorney can help pinpoint restitution for the semi accident that is fair and that falls within applicable laws in South Carolina.

Dismantling Trucking Company Defenses

The goal of insurance companies and trucking corporations is to profit, even if that means depriving someone injured of a fair recovery. In South Carolina, the doctrine of respondeat superior holds employers liable for certain acts of their employees, which could include the driver, the maintenance technician, the person who loaded the cargo, or some combination.

After a semi accident, Bell Legal Group attorneys investigate the trucking company for negligence in these areas:

  • Hiring: Failing to perform background checks on drivers to ensure they are eligible for and capable of doing the job, and hiring operators with a history of dangerous behavior.
  • Training: Failing to provide staff the company-sponsored training they need for safe, legal operation, proper cargo loading, and other aspects of commercial carriers.
  • Supervision: Failing to monitor staff driving records and performance and ignoring excessive work hours and illegal practices.
  • Retention: Failing to fire or discipline drivers who show a pattern of poor performance or negligence.
  • Maintenance: Failing to ensure repairs are performed promptly and according to schedule.
  • Entrustment: Offering a vehicle to a driver who is likely to operate the vehicle in an unreasonably risky manner, such as while intoxicated.

You shouldn’t be left to solve your case or deal with the trucker’s insurance company alone. Our attorneys understand South Carolina laws and how to investigate accidents involving semis, dump trucks, box trucks, and other commercial vehicles. We can access logbooks, electronic data, and accident reports to build a case based on the truth. Please reach out to us today to see how our accident attorneys can help you recoup what you’ve lost due to a negligent driver or trucking company.