Courts Push for Common Ground on Camp Lejeune Trial Framework

A man walks through a memorial of American flags

The latest Order by Magistrate Judge Jones reinforces the Court’s desire for swift proceedings. The Plaintiff’s Leadership Group (PLG) and the Government provide regular Status Reports keeping the Court informed of outstanding issues, roadblocks to discovery, and agreements between the two sides. The lack of stipulations recently has inspired this Order to revise Status Reports.

To satisfy the Order, Parties must meet and confer on the sequences for the trial and the order in which evidence will be presented to work toward an agreement. Each upcoming Status Report, including the next one due on August 20, 2024, must include progress notes from each party regarding these efforts.

Establishing an order or sequence for Camp Lejeune Justice Act trials, is an important, yet challenging step. Discussions concerning discovery  have consumed most of the time at status conferences  thus far, but a recent Order for a Track 1 Pretrial Schedule will not allow these issues to linger.  With deadlines in place, issues will be forced toward resolution.

Though reaching procedural stipulations will not be simple, the concerted effort toward resolution gives hope to everyone waiting for trials to begin.