Camp Lejeune

Sitting Marine with clasped hands

Exposure Requirements for Camp Lejeune Claims

Nearly a million people were exposed to toxins at Camp Lejeune due to the sizable base population and its widespread contamination. Despite its tragic history of contaminated water, Camp Lejeune has remained a frequent stop for military personnel since it…

scientist wearing red gloves extracts a sample into a beaker from a body of water

Decades-Long Effects of Camp Lejeune Chemical Exposure

James served at Camp Lejeune as a healthy young man but after leaving, his mental and physical health declined, and he couldn’t get any answers. After the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease became undeniable, James and his wife Kathleen began to…

Marines in dress uniform stand at attention in a row

FAQs About Camp Lejeune Lawsuits

Many military members reach out to us with questions about Camp Lejeune claims and lawsuits. Read on to get answers to questions about the history of Camp Lejeune’s water contamination, the health problems people are facing, and how veterans and…

A man walks through a memorial of American flags

Courts Push for Common Ground on Camp Lejeune Trial Framework

The latest Order by Magistrate Judge Jones reinforces the Court’s desire for swift proceedings. The Plaintiff’s Leadership Group (PLG) and the Government provide regular Status Reports keeping the Court informed of outstanding issues, roadblocks to discovery, and agreements between the…

Lady Justice Statuette

Camp Lejeune Trial Update: Track 1 Plaintiffs Finalized

An Order was issued by all four Camp Lejeune Judges on July 9, 2024, confirming which Plaintiffs will proceed to the first bellwether trials. As established in an earlier Case Management Orders, the illnesses for Track 1 include bladder cancer,…

Marine headshot, man dressed in camo fatigues

CLJA Claims Deadline Passes

The window for filing Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA) claims has closed, but this ending marks only the beginning for claimants awaiting relief. When the PACT Act was signed two years ago, those harmed by the toxic water at Camp…

Marine carrying Marine Corps flag.

Camp Lejeune Track 1 Pretrial Schedule Released

An Order for the Camp Lejeune litigation, issued on August 7, 2024, provides a schedule for pretrial matters related to Track 1 Plaintiff cases. The Court tasked the Plaintiff’s Leadership Group (PLG) and the Government to propose schedules to combine…

ecologist crouched streamside holding beaker of water up to the light to examine the sample

10 Facts About Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

Hearing the facts about Camp Lejeune’s water contamination isn’t easy for anyone, least of all those whose lives were forever changed by health issues. Countless military families learned the hard way how exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can affect…

lawyer with envelope and gavel in foreground

Camp Lejeune Judges Appoint a Settlement Master and Liaison

The Judges overseeing the Camp Lejeune Litigation case have issued an Order appointing a Settlement Master and liaison, bringing those harmed by the water at Camp Lejeune one step closer to a global resolution. Case Management Order No. 14 was…